Marinetek provides professional services for the various stages of a marina life cycle. Our range of services covers every stage, from early conceptual sketches and marina optimisation engineering to complete turnkey marina projects and after sales services. Our expertise is increasingly called upon to solve modernisation and remodelling issues at existing marinas.
Marinetek’s global network comprises experts around the world who are qualified to undertake demanding consulting tasks and are ready to help you with your local project. Come to us with any questions or concerns on about completing your marina project and we will have an answer.

Design & Planning
We provide consulting and engineering services for anyone interested in marina and waterfront developments, floating solutions and infrastructures related to marina projects.
- Conceptual design
- Marina configuration and optimisation
- Marina site and market assessments
- Advice and consultancy on feasibility studies, master plans and business plans
Our unique expertise and open-minded approach to floating structures stretches beyond traditional yacht marinas. Marinetek is a globally recognised pioneer in complex floating structures, such as swimming arenas, rowing stadiums and floating buildings.

One of our central focuses is to pull together resources from around the world and deliver turnkey projects to our customers. In this way, we combine all of our services into one package. We take care of the whole life cycle of the project, leaving you to enjoy the results. Alternatively, you can choose to use our expertise for one specific area.
Properly and correctly drafted engineering documents for a marina or any floating structure project can result in significant savings at the marina construction stage and throughout the lifetime of the project. This type of forward planning ensures you choose the right products and optimise the marina layout for your property. Every marina and floating structure project is unique, so planning must be specific to each individual project.
Marinetek will design and engineer your marina using an experienced design team including recognised experts who have designed, built and managed marinas on four continents.
Marinetek has 9 pontoon and equipment manufacturing locations around the world and can thus optimise the supply and delivery of every order.
To ensure Marinetek products function perfectly right from the beginning and to avoid any risks of malfunctioning during the delivery and long life cycle of the product, we strongly recommend that all products are installed by professionals. The Marinetek team comprises well-trained, licensed installation professionals serving clients all over the world. The installation team will be responsible for all installation related areas, such as logistics, anchoring and diving inspections, and installation of pontoons, access bridges and utilities.
Project Management
Marinetek has completed several hundred large turnkey marina projects throughout the world for over 15 years and offers its experience and know-how for Project Management services. The global network of Marinetek professionals ensures a marina project can be carried out more easily and more economically with top quality results. Marinetek’s Project Manager can handle the most critical pontoon related parts of a project or execute the whole marina project as a turnkey solution.
If a marina is to function well during its entire life cycle, it is important that all equipment is correctly installed. A Marinetek Supervisor can do just this. Marinetek offers installation supervision for all medium and large scale projects. We recommend that any crew installing Marinetek products or anchoring for the first time take advantage of this service. Marinetek’s qualified experts and global network guarantee fast response and full service all over the world. With the correct instructions and supervision you can ensure the right methods of installation and make best use of your Marinetek products. Experience has clearly proven that properly supervised installation projects are finished on schedule, the number of faulty installations is reduced and the material and installation costs are lower.

Modernisation & Remodelling
Remodelling and renovation plans are key strategic decisions that impact on the sustainability of a marina life cycle.
Old marinas experience increasing maintenance costs and face difficulties in matching the high expectations of today’s yacht owners with inadequate facilities. The wrong marina berth configuration can also hinder the growth of a business and, in the worst cases, outdated marina equipment and continuous repairs can turn profits to losses. By comparison, remodelling and upscaling an existing marina can significantly improve the revenue stream and profitability of the same footprint.
New trends affect the physical configurations of marinas, with increasing demand for larger berths, greater stability and load bearing capacity for pontoons, more powerful utilities, waste-handling systems and the desire for non-corrosive materials. Marinetek´s Modernisation service is a solution for existing marinas that prolongs the life of the marina and increases its revenues. Service level and profitability can be significantly increased by updating the marina structures and berth configuration.
- Remodelling the marina lay out to optimise the use of space and revenue
- Upscaling the mooring equipment to match the current clientele and yacht size
- Renewing and upgrading decking materials and surfaces
- Improving the service level: upgrading or overhauling service utilities, lighting, waste collection and recycling
- Modernising anchoring
- Uplifting the general ambience and customer experience in the marina
Marinetek Condition Assessment is a tool that enables for marina owners, operators and investors to manage maintenance and investment planning. Marinetek professionals make detailed assessments covering pontoon structures, moorings, underwater parts and pontoon anchoring. Marinetek Condition Assessment is an expert evaluation regarding the marina´s condition and maintenance needs and reassures the marina operator about the safety and functionality of the marina. Condition Assessment is a basis for long term maintenance and investment planning and it facilitates long term budgeting.

After sales
Long term partnerships and customer loyalty are key drivers for Marinetek. These are factors that can only be earned by maintaining service level and continuous support after the initial marina delivery.
Marinetek is famous for its concrete pontoons, which are extremely durable and have an expected service life of 30 – 50 years with minimal maintenance requirements. Over a product lifetime of decades, preventive maintenance and preventing the unexpected are important focus areas.
Correct maintenance and regular condition assessments are an integral part of professional marina management. A properly maintained marina keeps your customers satisfied and extends the life of the marina. Marinetek’s considerable experience in marina maintenance and management provides a guideline for all marina related maintenance work that will keep the marina in excellent condition. Additional levels of support for your marina can be provided through Marinetek’s service agreements by Marinetek’s trained subsidiaries and local distributors.
Spare parts and support
Marinetek supports its clients throughout the life cycle of installations. The reliability of a marina installation is the sum of its components, including spare parts.
Marinetek offers a full range of OEM spare parts and tools.